Chimney Cleaning Professionals in NJ

It’s easy to forget how crucial maintaining a chimney is, regardless if you own a fireplace or not. Performing a chimney sweep without the proper knowledge or equipment could likely result in several problems if done incorrectly.

It’s important to remember that a chimney contributes to keeping your air clean and breathable. Any damage that impacts your duct has to be addressed immediately. Otherwise, you could be putting others at risk.

If your chimney requires cleaning, reach out to us, and we’ll have it sorted immediately. Our contractors follow all protocols from the CSIA – Chimney Safety Institute of America and have worked on thousands of jobs in this industry. We would be happy to walk you through the process of what this job entails.

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Lifetime Chimney Supply, Pampco Passaic Metal & Building Supplies Co. & Myesha Chimney Supply logos.

Reasons For A Professional Chimney Sweep

We consider this service to be essential for all property owners that have noticed an increased buildup of ash and soot. This buildup can lead to carbon monoxide accumulation or downdrafts, both of which are dangerous. The carbon monoxide will prevent the proper flow of oxygen throughout your home, putting everyone inside at risk.

Downdrafts can be bad for all types of buildings. They can pull smoke and gasses from the fire back into the flue of your chimney. This means that the smoke and gasses will stay in your home instead of going up and out. This will result in carbon monoxide poisoning, along with carbon build-up inside your chimney flue which can risk an uncontained fire.

With our comprehensive chimney sweep service, we also provide carbon monoxide testing so you can be sure your home is protected from dangerous levels of gas. With this all-inclusive solution, there's no need for extra appointments.

Chimney Cleaning Process

Step One - We begin by inspecting the fireplace, where we check for any obstructions or cracks within the flue liner so that they can be fixed beforehand.

Step Two - Next, our team will brush out all loose materials inside the chimney’s chamber and start a small fire so that we can inspect how much creosote has built up in the flue.

Step Three - After this step, we then proceed to use powerful vacuum equipment to remove deposits while brushing any remaining build-up away with specialized tools.

Step Four - Lastly, we seal off any gaps or holes around your chimney before inspecting it again to ensure proper work was completed afterward.

Signs That Your Chimney May Be Damaged

These issues could impact the way your chimney works and set you up for carbon monoxide poisoning or carbon buildup inside your flue:

Carbon formation - carbon monoxide poisoning; carbon build-up.

Downdrafts - downdrafts (reverse).

Overheated flues - Causes cracks/damage to the liner.

The Dangers Of Carbon Monoxide

Certain signs that you might suffer from poor air quality may include; headaches, flu-like symptoms, increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, or increased blood pressure. If you experience any of these symptoms, please contact us immediately. Letting it go untreated can result in worse cases which may require hospitalization.

If you are experiencing carbon monoxide poisoning or too much carbon build-up in your flue, it is important to schedule an appointment with us. We can address these problems before they become bigger and more expensive to fix. We would also like you to remember that carbon monoxide has no color, no odor, and is completely undetectable by humans unless it is tested for.

What Happens When You Neglect A Chimney

The carbon buildup you see in your flue liner may be due to high amounts of carbon soot, ash, and creosote which are building up over time because the system is not working properly. Creosote build-up typically happens when the top damper in your chimney is open while a fire burns. This allows hot gases to flow outside rather than venting into the chimney flue where they will then cool off and turn into carbon or carbon monoxide.

We provide carbon monoxide testing for anybody who has experienced carbon issues within their property which can benefit you in this situation if it exists. If carbon monoxide is present, it can quickly build up inside your house because carbon monoxide is highly flammable which means that lighting any kind of fire will risk carbon poisoning.

The Benefits Of Hiring A Chimney Sweep

Hiring us to clean out your chimney ensures that this build-up does not happen again. In addition, we will inspect your flue for any cracks or holes so they can be sealed up before carbon monoxide worsens.

Our services include installing chimney caps, preventing wildlife from entering your chimney system, and creating nests inside the top damper. Removing the debris blocking the airflow can resolve your issues with downdrafts and prevent dangerous carbon monoxide poisoning if you have lit a fire.

We offer yearly maintenance plans, and emergency service calls for people experiencing issues with their chimneys. In addition, our professional service keeps your property safe from any carbon monoxide build-up caused by fireplace use or wildlife interference.

Please help us keep your family safe by making sure that our chimney services are included in your yearly maintenance plans so that we can catch these problems before they become too significant to handle on your own. We offer regular chimney sweeps and emergency services for people who need assistance immediately after notifying us of an issue. We recommend having a maintenance plan for your chimney every year. 

It would be best to have someone inspect your flue regularly to ensure no disruptions or problems. However, if you experience downdrafts, overheated flues, or high amounts of carbon build-up in your chimney, call us immediately to help before these hazards become too large of an issue for you to handle on your own.

Common Questions About Chimney Cleaning

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive about chimney sweeps.

  • Do I still need to clean a chimney if I don't have a fireplace?

    Yes, you still need to schedule a cleaning of your chimney. This is because soot and ash can accumulate over time if the fire burns for hours at a time while the damper in your chimney is open or if it is not being used at all.

  • How are downdrafts bad?

    When your chimney is installed correctly, it should vent outside your property. This keeps carbon monoxide from building up inside your home and helps keep carbon build-up out of your flue. This is no longer the case when you suffer from downdrafts because all that carbon can now enter your property, causing carbon monoxide buildup inside your house if left untreated.


    Downdrafts occur when air enters the chimney system through cracks or holes, preventing carbon monoxide from venting outside. A downdraft can be reversed by removing whatever is giving airflow access to the system again. This could include replacing a broken chimney cap or sealing up gaps or cracks around your chimney.

  • What is an overheated flue?

    A carbon buildup in your flue is an issue directly linked to carbon monoxide poisoning or carbon build-up. This can happen when your damper is not open while a fire burns, letting carbon out of the system and into your chimney flue where it will collect and begin building up over time.

    If you have any cracks in your chimney flue liner, carbon will find its way through these gaps and cause carbon build-up within the liner which can then combust causing carbon monoxide poisoning inside of your house if left untreated.

  • What is a chimney liner?

    A chimney liner is protective piping that lines the entire flue from floor to ceiling. This can be made of stainless steel, clay, or terra cotta. This lining will protect your chimney from corrosive elements as well as ensure a smooth draw for smoke and gasses leaving your home.

  • How does a chimney capsule work?

    Chimney Capsules are designed around a specific brand and model of the appliance to ensure a proper fit. Covers help keep water out which could freeze and damage the flue in colder months along with protecting the top from rain throughout the year which could invite debris into your chimney pot. All caps have an adjustable damper at their top so you can how much heat/smoke.

  • Do I need a chimney cap?

    Yes, you do need a chimney cap installed because it keeps wildlife and other creatures from entering into the roofline and causing damage or blocking your air vents which will prevent them from opening as intended. In addition, we can provide you with custom caps made specifically for your chimneys' uniqueness and perform any necessary installations.

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